This encryption service will encrypt the flag along with any plaintext, but it won’t decrypt it. Can you recover the flag anyway?
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# 247ctf / crypto / hidden flag bytes
# This encryption service will encrypt the flag along with any plaintext, but it won't decrypt it.
# Can you recover the flag anyway?
import requests
import binascii
# Challenge URL
URL = ''
# Specify all possible characters that could occur in flag, 247CTF{} + all hexadecimal single values a-f and 0-9
allchar = "0123456789abcdefCTF{}"
# Size of the block, we got with testing
block_size = 16
# We can predist the first 7 chars of the flag "247CTF{"
solution = '3234374354467b'
print ("Obtaining the flag from "+URL+"...")
# range is 40-len(solution) as that is the length of full flag - what we already guessed
for c in range(33):
# Pad is 48 (3 blocks) - 1 (the char we are guessing) - how many chars have we guessed already
# It has to be long enough so full flag can be inside.
pad = 'AA'*(3*block_size - 1 - int(len(solution)/2))
for i in allchar:
x = binascii.hexlify(bytes(i, 'utf-8'))
guess = str(x,'ascii')
r = requests.get(URL+'/encrypt?plaintext='+pad)
a = r.text[:96] # 96 is place on which we are guessing our byte, 3 blocks of padding + solution + guess
r = requests.get(URL+'/encrypt?plaintext='+pad+solution+guess)
b = r.text[:96]
if a==b:
print ("Found: "+i)
solution += guess
print (binascii.unhexlify(solution).decode("utf-8"))