Essentials MTB Saddle Bag

PUBLISHED ON 03/01/2025 — EDITED ON 03/01/2025 — SPORT

Silca Mattone

Kinda long term review and probably late, as I have the bag in pretty much unchanged state content wise for more than 2 and a half years.

Basic idea was to avoid having tools taking space in the jersey. At that time I did not have the bladder backpack, so often I would put the second bidon into my back pocket.

It performs well, it is packed to full extend, so some Lego-fu needs to be done when placing the stuff back in. But on the same time the fullness, prevents rattling.

It failed only once, when BOA dial got loose on a clean gravel path, fell into my tire and while I noticed and stopped, I have burned a hole in it.

Waterproof promise did not held up, so I pack insides with a nylon bag.


Silca Mattone


  • Daysaver Guard with:
    • Essential8
      • Hex 2, 2.5, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8
      • Torx 25
    • Coworking5
      • Chain breaker
      • Tire lever
      • Spoke wrench
      • Valve core tool
      • Chain links holder with Shimano Quick-Link
  • Cash 10 eur note + 2 eur coin (for car washes)
  • Tubolito MTB 29" tube
  • Slugplug with additional plug worms.
  • CO2 and applicator with a few lengths of the duct tape on it